Please email if you are interested in participating in a boot camp.  If you need to modify your current boot camp selection, please also email 


Boot Camp Sessions—November 14, 2021 

Our in-depth BisTrack and LumberTrack boot camp sessions will be available the day before the user conference on Monday, November 14. These sessions move beyond traditional classes and are conducted by Epicor education professionals for a deeper dive and direct access to technical experts.  

Half Day Bootcamp - $275

Full Day Boot Camp-$550


BisTrack Business Intelligence: From Zero to Hero in One Day - $550

This full day boot camp is hands-on training for those who are new to smart views and dashboards and want to master BisTrack Business Intelligence. We’ll start at the beginning with the very basics, and progress during the day so you can learn how to make your BisTrack Business Intelligence sing. Our BisTrack Business Intelligence experts are ready to help you become a hero.


BisTrack Kits: What You Need to Know to Get Started - $550

This full day boot camp is hands-on training for those that are interested in using BisTrack Kits but don’t know where or how to start. What are BisTrack Kits? How can they help your business grow, be more efficient or be more profitable? What’s the best way to develop Kits that fit your business? What are Attribute Kits? How can I make my Kits available in my Web Track Store or BisTrack Web? Get answers to these questions so that you can start making the most of BisTrack Kits.


Crystal Reports for BisTrack: Reports, Documents, Templates, Labels & More - $275 (Offered 8:00 am - 12:00 pm OR 1:00 - 5:00 pm)

This half day boot camp is hands-on training for those who want to be able to create and modify Crystal Reports for BisTrack. BisTrack documents, templates, labels, receipts, and reporting are all designed using Crystal Reports. We’ll give you an introduction to Crystal Reports with a focus on how best to write for BisTrack and how to deploy to your BisTrack environment.


Get your GUI on for LumberTrack - $275 (Offered 1:00 - 5:00 pm)

Learn how to streamline and improve your user’s day to day experiences inside LumberTrack. Users will learn everything they need to know about flexgrids, user security, standard context panes, menus, and the other features of LumberTrack that can be used to enhance their experience.