When and where is Insights held?
Insights 2025 will be held Monday, May 5 – Thursday, May 8, 2025, at the:
Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
3950 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
How do I register?
Register by clicking the "Register" button above or by clicking the large Epicor logo at the top of this page. This will bring you to the registration page.
Conference Pricing Overview
- Early Bird Registration $1,495 (ends February 28, 2025)
- Regular Registration $1,695 (March 1 – April 4, 2025)
- Late Registration $1,895 (April 5 – May 8, 2025)
Are meals provided during the conference?
All conference attendees may attend these meal events:
- Monday, May 5: Welcome Reception
- Tuesday, May 6: Breakfast, lunch, morning break and evening networking reception
- Wednesday, May 7: Breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon breaks, dinner and entertainment
- Thursday, May 8: Breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon breaks
May I purchase a guest pass?
If you plan to bring an adult guest (e.g., spouse, significant other, plus one) to Insights, you will see the option to purchase one or more types of guest passes when you register:
1) Full Guest pass: $450 each. This allows your guest access to all conference meals (as noted above) and the Wednesday night entertainment. No access to conference sessions is allowed.
2) Wednesday night only pass: $225 each. This allows your guest access to the Wednesday night dinner and entertainment only.
3) Keynote Speaker pass: $75 each. This allows your guest access to the Wednesday morning keynote speaker session only. This pass does not provide access to any meals.
What is the dress code for the conference?
The attire for Insights is business casual. The meeting space can be cold, so please bring a jacket or a sweater for your comfort.
If am interested in sponsorships for the conference, who should I contact?
For sponsorship inquiries please email Amanda Solon at amanda.solon@epicor.com
How do I book my hotel at the Epicor rate?
Click here to book your room at either Mandalay Bay or the neighboring Delano at the Epicor group rate. The Epicor group rates are available until Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
Can I transfer my registration to someone else in my company in the event I cannot attend?
Yes. Substitutions can be made in writing to Insights registration at insights@epicor.com with the names of both the original and substitute registrant and/or guest.
What if I need to cancel?
A full refund will be issued until April 4, 2025. After this date, a 50% cancellation fee will apply. All cancellations must be made in writing and addressed to "Epicor Insights 2025—CANCELLATION" and sent by email to insights@epicor.com.
How do I get a copy of my registration invoice?
A link to your invoice(s) will be sent to you in your registration confirmation email. Please click on that link to print out the invoice(s) to send in with your company check for payment. If you need an additional copy, you can access your invoice(s) through your registration record or email insights@epicor.com
How can I pay?
Acceptable methods of payments are check, credit card, or wire transfer.
If paying by wire transfer:
Please be sure to list Company name, attendee name and registration ID as well as a note that this is payment for “Insights 2025”.
Banking Information for ACH or Wire Transfer
Bank: Wells Fargo Bank
Bank Address: 111 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701
Account Name: Epicor Software Corporation
Account Number: 4496811522
Bank ID, ABA: 121000248
If paying by check:
Please make payable to Epicor Insights 2025:
Attn: Accounts Receivable / Insights Registration
807 Las Cimas Parkway Suite #400, Austin, TX, 78746
All checks must reference Insights 2025 with the attendee's name and registration ID number.
Affiliate Groups
Affiliate groups must be approved by Epicor. Affiliate events cannot compete with Epicor Insights hours, and will be limited to sponsoring companies.
Who do I contact with questions?
Please email insights@epicor.com with questions.