Exploring Practical Integration Use Cases for Manufacturers with Automation Studio
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 11:20 AM - 12:05 PM
Sandra Le Roux

Epicor Automation Studio, embedded in Kinetic and powered by Workato, is an award-winning low-code Integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) that enables businesses to easily connect apps, systems, and automate processes between previously siloed applications without the use of high-end developers' hard coding. In this session, you will learn: • Why Automation Studio is a unique offering for manufacturers • About new industry templates for manufacturers • About the Epicor CPQ connector • How it works in action

Location Name
Bohemia 3
Full Address
Prague Marriott Hotel
V Celnici 8
Prague 110 00
Czech Republic
Insights Europe Topics
Automation Studio
Platform 2024