Customer-led: Unraveling the Complexity of Planning and Scheduling
Date & Time
Monday, July 12, 2021, 3:15 PM - 4:05 PM


Have you ever thought about the difference between the words “schedule” and “priority” as it pertains to executing on the shop floor? Come and listen as we unpack those terms and how many manufacturers fixate on “schedule” at the expense of “priority.” Whether it’s production lines, engineer-to-order, MRP, MPS, finite, infinite, or any combination of strategies, navigating and understanding the intricacies of the scheduling engine in Epicor can be a daunting task. What we have found is that subtle changes to the mindset pertaining to planning and scheduling can unlock many opportunities to simplify the process and empower the users to make quick, productive decisions. By providing operators, supervisors, and even senior management with the information feedback they crave and providing real-time visual aids on the shop floor can lead to a common understanding and collaborative culture towards increased throughput and efficiency. Further, with the use of web-based tools like the Epicor REST API, it is possible.


Location Name
Breakers E
Full Address
Mandalay Bay
3950 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89119
United States
Session Type - do not use
Session Level
Business Insights,