Using BPMs, Functions, and REST for Integrations and Business Logic
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 1:25 PM - 2:15 PM

Advanced BPM techniques coupled with Epicor Functions now provide the most robust configuration tools in the ERP product offering yet. The combination of these tools now provides the same advanced capabilities to all customers that may have previously required building external assemblies only supported in on-premise installations. Functions now leverage the BPM workflow designer functionality to build method independent business logic that can be called from BPM's. Custom code actions are supported and encapsulated inside the functions eliminating the need to build external assemblies. Come to this session for an overview of these topics.

Location Name
Mandalay Bay Ballroom K
Full Address
Mandalay Bay
3950 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89119
United States
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