Deliver on the Promised Value of a Recent Acquisition With Ultra Consultants
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

Companies engaged in M&A activity place a priority on speed—speed to execute the business case, often leading to the temptation to cut corners. Challenges emerge with shortened timelines during resource assessment, current-state process evaluations, and operating model mapping and redesign.  Join Ultra Consultants for the best practices and technology deployment to ensure a successful new site acquisition, delivering faster ROI

Location Name
South Seas D
Full Address
Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
3950 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
United States
Session Level
Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
Business Insights
Platform 2024
Eclipse, CMS, Kinetic, Prophet 21