Go Paperless on the Shopfloor with Kinetic Dynamic Documents
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 3:30 PM - 3:50 PM

Extend the information provided to plant operators within job entry in standard Kinetic data collection screens, with an easy way to capture critical production and quality data.  The new Dynamic Documents feature allows you to leverage your existing MS Word skills by creating data-capture Word templates, containing work instructions with parameterized data entry fields. These templates are linked to Kinetic job operations, and are then accessible to shopfloor users for data capture in the standard Kinetic Data Collection (MES) screens. 

Location Name
Grand Ballroom
Full Address
Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach
81 Surf Parade
Broadbeach QLD 4218
Session Type - do not use
Epicor Kinetic, Epicor ECM, Epicor CPQ, Epicor Advanced MES